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Thank you for 20 years of giving to children in our community


By: Shaun Schweitzer, Chair

Shaun Schweitzer

As the 20th anniversary of the Millennium Fund for Children came to a close at the end of November, our grantmaking committee has been reflecting on how grateful we are to the generous contributors who have helped this fund make a positive impact on the children in our community over the past two decades.

Starting with less than $100,000 at the beginning of the millennium, the fund has grown to more than $1.1 million today – all while contributing nearly $850,000 back out into the community to help our region's most vulnerable residents. This past year alone your donations added more than $35,000 to the fund, confirming the idea behind its creation – collectively we can make a big difference.

From ensuring that hungry students have food to purchasing holiday gifts for children in foster care, your donations have helped countless children in our community. We look forward to sharing some of those stories here with you in this newsletter and hope they will remind you why your gift is so vitally important, particularly this year.

It's exciting to think about how much the fund could grow in the next 20 years and how many more children will benefit because of your generosity.

On behalf of the entire Millennium Fund for Children committee, thank you and happy holidays.

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