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From our president: Highlights from our 30th year


Our 30th year is a wonderful time to reflect on the successes of our past and look forward to what's to come.

As we continue to celebrate our 30th year, here are a few highlights from this year, so far:
Pam Kiltau
Pamela Kiltau
  • This summer, our board officially transitioned from virtual or hybrid meetings and events to all in-person events.
  • Recently, we surpassed our goal to have 106 Circle of Empowerment members. We set this goal to reflect the 106 donors who originally donated $1,000 each to establish the fund. As of early October, we have 112 Circle of Empowerment members who collectively contribute $155,500 to the fund annually. The Circle of Empowerment is open to all! Contact Affiliate Fund Engagement Manager Deb Hoffman at or visit our webpage for more information on joining.
  • This year, we made the decision to change when we hold our annual celebration from March to April in all years going forward. Read a recap of our 30th Anniversary Celebration, which was delayed until June, here.
  • This year, we developed a complete historical timeline that we unveiled at our 30th Anniversary Celebration. This timeline will preserve the first 30 years of our fund's history for generations of fund leadership to come.
  • In March, we distributed $175,000 in grants. We have now surpassed $2 million in grants given to programs that uplift, empower, and educate women and girls throughout Akron and all of Summit County.
  • In September, we hosted our biennial Forum on Women and Girls at Firestone Country Club.

You, our donors and volunteers, have contributed so much to our success over the years. The most exciting news is that, together, we've changed so many lives by believing in our mission, vision and guiding principles.

Women and girls are worth investing in! 

Our vision is to be a leading advocate for women and girls and to collaborate with others to promote philanthropy to serve their needs. By cultivating and sustaining donor relationships, we will actively continue to grow the fund to serve the needs of women and girls.

In this celebratory time of our 30th year, I look back with gratitude for YOU, our donors and volunteers, and the difference you've made in the lives of women and girls in our community.

As your incoming president of the Women's Endowment Fund, there is much to be thankful for. With your help, we can meet our goal to have 200 Circle of Empowerment members to coincide with Akron's bicentennial celebration.

I look forward to serving the needs of women and girls along with our dedicated board of 21 outstanding women and can't wait to see what we will accomplish in the next 30 years! 

Yours in service,

Pamela Kiltau

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