Circle of Empowerment
In 2018, the Women's Endowment Fund created the Circle of Empowerment to maintain continued sustainability of the fund and increase its grantmaking impact each year. The Circle of Empowerment is a special group of donors who support the Women's Endowment Fund with an annual leadership gift of $1,000 or more. In 2022, the fund introduced a four-tier model for the Circle of Empowerment: Empower - $10,000, Uplift - $5,000, Inspire - $2,500, and Support - $1,000.
Donors to our Circle of Empowerment receive:
- Special recognition at our events, including being listed in all event programs
- Advance First-to-Know communication about the fund's latest news
- An invitation to our annual Circle of Empowerment gathering
- Opportunities to get involved with the fund's various committees
- The knowledge that their gifts uplift women in our community now and forever
To learn more about the Circle of Empowerment, please contact Deb Hoffman.
Give Online Pledge Form WEF Grantees
For online gifts, please select "This is a campaign gift" on the giving form.
Circle of Empowerment Donors
Reflects donors as of Jan. 29, 2025
Katie & Mark Smucker
Karen & Glenn Leppo
Sally & Roger Read
Cheryl Venarge*
Laurie Zuckerman*
Marcia Adair*
Virginia Addicott
Emily Browning
Paula Christ
Marie Covington*~
Pamela Kiltau
Dianne Newman*
Monica Vinay
Jody Bacon~
Ann Amer Brennan
Joan F. Wessman
Barb & Mike Abbott
Drs. Sandy & Mark Auburn
Sandra & Bruce Bailey
Holly Harris Bane
Elizabeth Bartz
Nancy Baxter
Sarah Watts Beneke
Beth Boggins
Susan Boggs
Wendy & Mike Bolas
Judge Jane Bond, ret.*
Kathryn Booth*
Diane Bray
Judge Alison Breaux
Candice Jones Carlyon
Theresa Carter
Donna Cerdas-Delgado
Judith Clapsaddle
Kittie Clarke*
Regina & Robert Cooper
Laura Culp
Robyn Cutler
Anita Davis, Esq.
Laura DiCola
Linda Diefendorff
Kathryn (Kitty) Dindo*
Jennifer DiSalvo
Constance Dubick
Dr. Cynthia Ederer
Betsy Engels
Kimberly Haws Falasco
Lashawrida Fellows
Jerilynn Ferguson*
Joni Fitch
Susan Flowers
Nicole & Alan Gaffney
Naomi Ganoe
Ruthie George
Toby Gorant
Barb Greene
CJ Haines
Louise Kuhns Harvey*
Carrie Herman~
Laura Hnat
Ramona Hood
Kim Huff
Margaret Watts Hunter
Rachel Hurst
Mary Ann Jackson*
Gizelle Jones
Lisa King
Susan Kinnamon*
Jill Kolesar
Lori & Mark Krohn
Carla Kun
Quinnie Lane
Laura Lederer - in memory of Shirley P. Stein
Pamela R. Leeson
Karen Lefton*
Margaret Lloyd
Dr. Leia' Love
Rita Kelly Madick
Jeannine Marks
Jackie & Greg McDermott
Margaret Medzie
Judy Nicely
Susan Novak*
Judge Joy Malek Oldfield
Dr. Ann K. Otto
Susan Pallini*
Erin Palmer
Jill Penrose
Cindy & John T. Petures Jr.
Melodie Phillips, M.D.*
Kendra Philon
Angie Remen
Kathy Ress
Norma Rist~
Alita & Rick Rogers
Kristen Scalise
Renee Lucas Scherick
Ruth Benson Scott
Rev. Dr. Sandra Selby
Ilene Shapiro~
Debra Shifrin
Sandra Smith
Dr. Kathy Stafford
Alice & George Strickler
Valerie Butler Stutler
V. Rena Suber
Judge Jennifer D. Towell
Sylvia Trundle
Pam Valentine
Marcy Venarge
Dr. Vivian von Gruenigen
Jan Weaver
Jessica Walsh
Barb Whiddon
Bernett L. Williams
Dr. Christine Williams
Evelyn S. Williams
Sonya Williams
Lorna Wisham
Becky Guzy Woodford
Christine Yuhasz
Empower tier donor of $10,000+ annually
Uplift tier donor of $5,000+ annually
Inspire tier donor of $2,500+ annually
Memorial members
*Founding donor
~Founding Mother
Legacy Donors
We're grateful to those who have named the Women's Endowment Fund in a planned gift, such as a bequest, charitable gift annuity or life insurance policy. Their foresight and generosity ensures the fund will continue to empower women and girls in perpetuity.
Dr. Suzanne T. Allen
Drs. Sandy & Mark Auburn
Jody Bacon*
Tracy Carter
Marie & Harry Covington
Sylvia R. Davis
Kimberly Haws Falasco
Louise Kuhns Harvey
Pamela J. Kiltau
Thomas & Angelina Milo
Rev. Dr. Sandra Selby
Judge Elinore Marsh Stormer
Memorial Gifts
From May 14 - Sept. 30, 2024
Ann Brennan by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Yolanda Bujorian by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Mary Ball Gorman by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Patricia Guzy by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Lynnda Wolf Hoefler by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Arlene Huber by
Roderick Linton Belfance LLP
Grace Krochka by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Joyce Lampner by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Judith E. Marks Levine by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Tony Lombardo by
Professional Advisor Council Fund
Donna Scott by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Norma Jean Shellito by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Shirley P. Stein by
Laura Lederer
Kellie Wallerstein by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Honorary Gifts
From May 14 - Sept. 30, 2024
Sandra Bailey by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Kimberly Boodjeh by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Karen Bozzelli by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Julieann Brandle by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Eileen Burg by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Diana Burke by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Debra Calevich by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Theresa Carter by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Tracy Carter by
Angelina Milo, CPA
Marie Covington by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Jill Crawford by
Angelina Milo, CPA
Ann Brooks Duff by
Martha Banks, PhD
Aileen Eckert by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Louise Kuhns Harvey by
Angelina Milo, CPA
Heather Haws-Babb by
Beverly L. Haws
Judi Hill by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Laura Hunsicker by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Diane Johnson by
Angelina Milo, CPA
Maureen Katanic by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Lori L. Lautenschlager by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Teresa LeGrair by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Heather Licata by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Lisa Mansfield by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Margaret Medzie by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Karen Mueller by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Carol Nelson-Felzenberg by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Sherry Neubert by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Norma Rist by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Elizabeth Saraceno by
Angelina Milo, CPA
Ann Sebrell by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Ilene Shapiro by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Darlene Swiatkowski by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Leslie Unger by
Angelina Milo, CPA
Pam Wright by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Laurie Zuckerman by
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
All Donors
From May 14 - Sept. 30, 2024
Lolita Adair Realty
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority Community Action Network
Drs. Mark & Sandy Auburn
Linda Banasiak
Martha Banks, Ph.D.
Emily Browning
Culp Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Robyn Cutler
Anita Davis
Constance Dubick
Cindy Ederer
Kimberly Haws Falasco
Lashawrida Fellows
Joni Fitch
June Futia
Naomi Ganoe
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Holly Harris Bane
Louise Kuhns Harvey
Beverly L. Haws
Laura Hnat
Hood Family Fund
Kim Huff
Gizelle Jones
Jill Kolesar
Quinnie Lane
Laura Lederer
Dr. Leia' Love
Rita Kelly Madick
Greg & Jackie McDermott
Angelina Milo, CPA
Judith Nicely
Professional Advisor Council Fund of Akron Community Foundation
Jill R. Penrose
Kendra Philon
June Refine
Kathy Ress
Roderick Linton Belfance LLP
S&T Bank
Renee & Matthew Scherick
The Sherwin-Williams Foundation
Valerie Stutler
Synthomer Foundation
Jennifer Towell
Vicky J. Urbano
Christine C. Williams
Christine C. Yuhasz