Stock gifts made easy as you grow your endowment
Giving appreciated stock is an excellent way for your donors to support your endowment because the donor can avoid the capital gains tax, resulting in a larger endowment gift than if the donor had sold the stock, paid the tax, and then transferred what was left of the proceeds to your endowment.
As a charitable organization committed to growing your endowment, you no doubt work with donors who vary by age, experience, capability, willingness and more. But while you want to help them support your mission in any way you can, the demands of your day-to-day work may make it difficult to handhold each of them as they get into the details of fulfilling a commitment to make a gift of stock.

Furthermore, many donors hear about giving stock to charitable organizations through the mainstream media. Even so, it might still sound like a lot of work to them and, in addition, it does actually require a lot of work on your part, which can add even more strain to an already taxed fundraising staff.
This is where the community foundation can help. Our team is happy to work with you and your donors to make gifts of appreciated stock to your endowment fund at the community foundation. We'll help the donor transfer the stock, including helping the donor track down all necessary documentation. We can also jump in to help determine the value of the donation so that the donor may properly report the donation on the donor's tax return. And our team will handle selling the stock and investing the proceeds according to the terms of your endowment fund here at the community foundation. As always, our team will handle proper tax acknowledgment of the gift, and we will capture the gift in the quarterly statements for your endowment fund.
We know that you intend to do everything you can to grow your endowment, even in challenging economic times. That's why we are happy to take some of the heavy lifting off your plate. It is our honor and pleasure to work with you and your donors to help grow your endowment to fulfill your mission for years to come and help people in our community for generations.
For more information on agency endowment funds, contact Brian Reitz, Agency Endowment & Engagement Officer, at
This content is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice.