Family Philanthropy Tools: Growing Goodness

No matter the age of your children, the things you teach them today will impact their philanthropic view for the rest of their lives. This may sound daunting, but The Center for Family Philanthropy is here to offer the necessary tools and research to support you along the way.
Growing Goodness is an excellent tool offered through the center to help teach children the concept of generosity. In this exercise, we provide interactive cards with research-based best practices for raising benevolent children.
By engaging with the tool's physical cards, participants are invited to consider the areas in which they feel confident, as well as those they'd like to improve. Through working together, family members can craft a game plan to become more generous and philanthropic.
If you are interested in participating in the Growing Goodness activity or setting up a family meeting to uncover your charitable goals, contact Karen Hrdlicka, director of The Center for Family Philanthropy, at or330-436-5640.