Cristina González Alcalá, Ph.D.
Joined the staff
October 2019
Favorite Thing About ACF
Serving, collaborating and engaging with the community while bringing to life the vision of hardworking, philanthropic families and individuals in a thriving and inclusive Summit County.
What She Does
Cristina uses her in-depth knowledge of the nonprofit community to assist Akron Community Foundation's board of directors in awarding and evaluating quality grants. In addition to managing the community foundation's competitive grant cycles, she also cultivates relationships with local nonprofit leaders and encourages collaboration on community initiatives. Her expertise on the needs and resources of Greater Akron help us connect our fundholders to meaningful funding opportunities in their areas of interest.
What She Did Before
As a research associate at Summit Education Initiative, Cristina convened and coached a network of 50+ out-of-school-time providers to help achieve educational equity and promote inclusivity in after-school programs through research-based best practices and access to actionable data. She also developed a first-of-its-kind, cloud-based application that securely provided after-school program leaders access to almost-live student-level academic data.