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A Common Theme

Akron Community Foundation is a library of personal stories. Their authors? Charitable people just like you who want to enrich the community in their own unique way, now and forever.

Some are fundholder stories, which feature charitable individuals, families and organizations that find purpose, ease and fulfillment by giving through Akron Community Foundation. Others are grantee stories about nonprofits that are leveraging generous gifts from our donors and fundholders to improve life all over Summit County. Still others are advisor stories about legal and financial professionals who have expanded their services and strengthened client relationships by offering philanthropic services through Akron Community Foundation.

Ready to write your own story? Learn how you can start a charitable fund and leave your mark on the community for generations to come. You can also read our publications for more inspiring stories about philanthropy in Greater Akron.

BCF's Impact: Victory Gallop
BCF's Impact: Victory Gallop
As part of our 10th Anniversary, we're sharing stories of how grants from Bath Community Fund have impacted local nonprofits. To help us celebrate, Kim Gustely of Victory Gallop shared how Bath Community Fund has been instrumental to Victory Gallop's...
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Tips for your endowment's annual appeal
Tips for your endowment's annual appeal
2024 is rapidly drawing to a close, and you're likely making plans to send a letter to your donors asking them to consider making a gift as part of your annual appeal strategy. Don't miss this opportunity to weave in messages about your endowment fund at the...
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Embrace small gifts to boost your endowment's future
Embrace small gifts to boost your endowment's future
Every organization dreams of that game-changing, multi-million dollar endowment bequest that comes as a complete surprise. Often it can seem totally random when we hear about a donor who leaves a major gift to a charity in a will, trust, or beneficiary...
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Inspiring good habits: Tips for better giving
Inspiring good habits: Tips for better giving
The staff at Akron Community Foundation is committed to sharing tips and insights to help you get more satisfaction from your charitable giving and, in turn, make an even bigger difference in the causes you care about. Here are three recommendations to...
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Inherited an IRA? Some Things You Need to Know
Inherited an IRA? Some Things You Need to Know
By Kimberly Miller, WMCP®, Financial Advisor, Baird The SECURE Act passed in 2020, and there has been much confusion over the effects it would have on taking distributions from an Inherited IRA. The IRS has finally provided some answers. The SECURE Act...
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From WEF's President: Celebrating a huge milestone
From WEF's President: Celebrating a huge milestone
As we celebrate the change in seasons and the beauty that fall brings to Northeast Ohio, the Women's Endowment Fund is also celebrating a significant milestone. I am excited to share that the Women's Endowment Fund has surpassed $5 million in charitable...
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Donor-advised funds: Your new best friend?
Donor-advised funds: Your new best friend?
A donor-advised fund is one of many types of funds that an individual, family, or business can establish with the community foundation. You're likely more aware of donor-advised funds than other types of funds because they are frequently covered in financial...
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