Women's Endowment Fund seeks grant proposals for programs that enrich the lives of women and girls ahead of 30th anniversary

The Women's Endowment Fund of Akron Community Foundation is accepting grant proposals for programs that enrich the lives of local women and girls in the following areas:
- Economic Empowerment, including entrepreneurship, asset-building and financial literacy programs; programs that create better jobs, better access to jobs, and quality affordable child care for women; and programs that enable women with children to work more productively.
- Safety from Violence, including programs that raise awareness about violence through education; programs that prevent the occurrence and reoccurrence of violence against women and girls; and programs that develop a consistent and coordinated response to violence against women and girls.
- Health and Wellness, including programs that raise awareness about healthy lifestyles through education and prevention; programs that support reproductive health and prevent teen pregnancies; and programs that help women and girls address depression and other mental health issues.
Qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations should apply for a grant online by Nov. 1, 2022. A link to the grant application is available at www.akroncf.org/applyWEF.
A committee of Women's Endowment Fund advisory board members, donors and community leaders will review the grant requests. The committee may request a site visit or in-person interview during the grantmaking process.
In 2022, the fund awarded grants to 34 nonprofit organizations to support after-school educational programs for girls in Akron Public Schools, provide holistic support services for survivors of domestic violence and women experiencing homelessness, teach entrepreneurial skills to women and girls from refugee and immigrant communities in Akron, and more. View a full list of recent grant recipients at www.akroncf.org/WEFgrants.
The newest round of grants will be announced in March 2023. Preference will be given to programs that involve collaboration with other agencies, and efforts to obtain matching funds are encouraged. Requests for trips, general operating expenses, computers and office equipment are not generally considered unless they are program related. Funds may not be used for endowment purposes or to support scholarships, individuals, religious organizations for religious purposes, or organizations outside of Summit County.
For more information about the application process, contact John Garofalo, Akron Community Foundation's vice president of community investment, at 330-436-5624 or jgarofalo@akroncf.org.
About the Women's Endowment Fund
The Women's Endowment Fund of Akron Community Foundation was established in 1993 as a permanent endowment committed to encouraging the advancement of women and girls in Summit County. To date, it has grown to more than $4 million and awarded more than $1.9 million in grants. Contributions of any amount are welcome and can be made online at https://www.akroncf.org/give/WEF or mailed to Women's Endowment Fund of Akron Community Foundation, 345 W. Cedar St., Akron, OH 44307. For more information, call 330-376-8522 or visit www.womensendowmentfund.org.
About Akron Community Foundation
Celebrating 67 years of building community philanthropy, Akron Community Foundation embraces and enhances the work of charitable people who make a permanent commitment to the good of the community. In 1955, a $1 million bequest from the estate of Edwin Shaw established the community foundation. It is a philanthropic endowment of nearly $260 million with a growing family of more than 800 funds established by charitable people and organizations from all walks of life. The community foundation and its funds welcome gifts of all kinds, including cash, bequests, stock, real estate, life insurance and retirement assets, just to name a few. To date, the community foundation's funds have awarded nearly $209 million in grants to qualified nonprofit organizations. For more information about Akron Community Foundation or to learn more about creating your own charitable fund, call 330-376-8522 or visit www.akroncf.org.