Summer giving trends
Here's a quick overview of some current giving trends:
Giving at check out
Yes, fundraising is a numbers game, and you have to make a lot of asks to reach your goals, But it's possible to take it too far, as some charities are learning when they dip into the cash register too many times.

Influencer philanthropy may be a double-edged sword
Has the influencer culture made its way into philanthropy for good? Some might think so, based on the fundraising success of MrBeast. But the approach is not without controversy, largely because charities face the same challenges working with influencers as those faced by for-profit businesses.
Charitable giving is getting a year-round boost
Charitable giving is not just for fourth-quarter holidays. More donors and charities are identifying opportunities throughout the year to celebrate an occasion by incorporating gifts to charity and charitable causes. It's worth considering for your next fundraising campaign.
For more information on agency endowment funds, contact Brian Reitz, Agency Endowment & Engagement Officer, at
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