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A message from the Gay Community Endowment Fund's board chair, Dr. Kate Raymond


I'm Kate Raymond, and I'm the new chair of the Gay Community Endowment Fund. I thought it would be appropriate that my first official act would be to wish everyone in our community and our allies a bold and brave Trans Day of Visibility. You are seen and you matter. I think we can all say with certainty that this is a dark time in our community. From the bullying and violence against trans kids in schools, to the violence against trans women of color and the hateful anti-LGBTQ rhetoric we hear every day, there is no doubt that our community is in crisis. But even though this moment is hard, I believe there is extraordinary opportunity for change.

I have lived in and around Akron my whole life, and I know this community has room for everyone to grow and succeed. We must take care of those who need our help the most. I know we can make a difference, and I know the Gay Community Endowment Fund can lead that change. We can lift up our LGBTQ friends and neighbors, end the violence, house our young people, and create an equitable place for everyone. I hope you'll join me these next two years and beyond and become the change we all want to see. Whether you become a donor, leave the Gay Community Endowment Fund in your will, join a committee, or come along on our amazing Sugar Plum Tour, I know we can do this together. Thank you for this amazing opportunity, and I look forward to working with everyone.

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